Tuesday 2 October 2012

Effects of mobile phones

At a time when relationships are falling apart and communication has faded away, people are sticking on to technology for their emotional needs. Taking of technology,the most inseparable part of human life in mobile. Several brands, several connections within different ranges are available and now phones unlike earlier, has reached even the rural India.
But did you know that your mobile phone is posing threat to your health? According to recent discovery phone has an adverse effect on health due to the emission of electromagnetic radiation. These electromagnetic radiation are invisible and enter the body and damage organs like slow poison. Lets look at some of the affects of mobile on health -
1.Excessive exposure to phones lead to the damage of the safety barrier in the blood stream. This leads to the leaks toxins into the brain, the further result of which is the Parkinson disease.
2.Yet another dangerous affect of mobile phones on health is that the radiation causes blood cells to leak hemoglobin which causes kidney stones and weak heart.
3.There are people who in demand of occupation or by choice are involved in using cell phone excessively. The common problem among these people are headache, stress and fatigue. You might also have noticed that excessive use causes skin irritation, burning sensation etc. Even sleeping with your it near your head can lead to a headache.
4.Memory loss is yet another health effect of mobile phone. It has been scientifically proved that the radiofrequency hinders with the brain's ability to learning and storing memory.
5.Some researchers have also suggested that phones can add on to the reasons of causing cancer. This is till now debatable but then an experiment done on rats showed that within 18 months they developed brain tumour.
So, this revelation of health effects of mobile phones does not ask you to deny the usage of the technology but the use should be judicious. The first rule of judicious use is that it should not human touch.

The Author

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